Listado de países que se considera tienen un régimen fiscal preferencial.

# Código país País # Código país País
1 AE United Arab Emirates (the) 75 MF Saint Martin (French part)
2 AF Afghanistan 76 MG Madagascar
3 AG Antigua and Barbuda 77 MH Marshall Islands (the)
4 AI Anguilla 78 ML Mali
5 AM Armenia 79 MM Myanmar
6 AO Angola 80 MN Mongolia
7 AS American Samoa 81 MO Macao
8 AX Åland Islands 82 MP Northern Mariana Islands (the)
9 BA Bosnia and Herzegovina 83 MQ Martinique
10 BD Bangladesh 84 MU Mauritius
11 BH Bahrain 85 MV Maldives
12 BI Burundi 86 MW Malawi
13 BJ Benin 87 MY Malaysia
14 BL Saint Barthélemy 88 MZ Mozambique
15 BM Bermuda 89 NA Namibia
16 BN Brunei Darussalam 90 NC New Caledonia
17 BQ Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba 91 NE Niger (the)
18 BS Bahamas (the) 92 NF Norfolk Island
19 BT Bhutan 93 NI Nicaragua
20 BV Bouvet Island 94 NP Nepal
21 BW Botswana 95 OM Oman
22 BY Belarus 96 PF French Polynesia
23 BZ Belize 97 PG Papua New Guinea
24 CC Cocos (Keeling) Islands (the) 98 PM Saint Pierre and Miquelon
25 CD Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) 99 PN Pitcairn
26 CF Central African Republic (the) 100 PR Puerto Rico
27 CG Congo (the) 101 PS Palestine, State of
28 CI Côte d‘Ivoire 102 PW Palau
29 CR Costa Rica 103 QA Qatar
30 CU Cuba 104 RE Réunion
31 CV Cabo Verde 105 RS Serbia
32 CW Curaçao 106 RW Rwanda
33 CX Christmas Island 107 SB Solomon Islands
34 DJ Djibouti 108 SC Seychelles
35 DM Dominica 109 SD Sudan (the)
36 DZ Algeria 110 SH Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
37 EG Egypt 111 SJ Svalbard and Jan Mayen
38 EH Western Sahara* 112 SL Sierra Leone
39 ER Eritrea 113 SO Somalia
40 ET Ethiopia 114 SR Suriname
41 FJ Fiji 115 SS South Sudan
42 FK Falkland Islands (the) [Malvinas] 116 ST Sao Tome and Principe
43 FM Micronesia (Federated States of) 117 SV El Salvador
44 GD Grenada 118 SX Sint Maarten (Dutch part)
45 GF French Guiana 119 SY Syrian Arab Republic
46 GM Gambia (the) 120 SZ Swaziland
47 GN Guinea 121 TC Turks and Caicos Islands (the)
48 GP Guadeloupe 122 TD Chad
49 GQ Equatorial Guinea 123 TF French Southern Territories (the)
50 GS South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands 124 TG Togo
51 GU Guam 125 TH Thailand
52 GW Guinea-Bissau 126 TJ Tajikistan
53 GY Guyana 127 TK Tokelau
54 HK Hong Kong 128 TL Timor-Leste
55 HM Heard Island and McDonald Islands 129 TM Turkmenistan
56 HN Honduras 130 TO Tonga
57 HT Haiti 131 TT Trinidad and Tobago
58 IO British Indian Ocean Territory (the) 132 TV Tuvalu
59 IQ Iraq 133 TW Taiwan (Province of China)
60 IR Iran (Islamic Republic of) 134 TZ Tanzania, United Republic of
61 JO Jordan 135 UM United States Minor Outlying Islands (the)
62 KG Kyrgyzstan 136 UZ Uzbekistan
63 KH Cambodia 137 VA Holy See (the)
64 KI Kiribati 138 VE Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
65 KM Comoros (the) 139 VG Virgin Islands (British)
66 KP Korea (the Democratic People‘s Republic of) 140 VI Virgin Islands (U.S.)
67 KW Kuwait 141 VN Viet Nam
68 KY Cayman Islands (the) 142 VU Vanuatu
69 LA Lao People‘s Democratic Republic (the) 143 WF Wallis and Futuna
70 LK Sri Lanka 144 YE Yemen
71 LR Liberia 145 YT Mayotte
72 LY Libya 146 ZM Zambia
73 MD Moldova (the Republic of) 147 ZW Zimbabwe
74 ME Montenegro